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is investing in
See what
is investing in
See what
is investing in
Alongside 250,000+ other investors
4.7 rating on the App Store
4.7 rating on the App Store

see what your favourite investors are investing in
some of our amazing creators include…
The "God Father", everything Personal Finance
Seth Godwin
2,100,000+ followers
The OG Thug Life Dividend investor
87,000+ followers
210,000+ subscribers
YouTuber & Founder of the Investing Academy
Brandon Beavis
Investing TikToker and Dividend Lover
Joyee Yang
200,000+ followers
New Money Nate on TikTok & Instagram
Nathan Kennedy
1,000,000+ followers
YouTuber & Founder of Stock Unlock
Daniel Pronk
210,000+ subscribers
Teaching dividend investing on YouTube & Instagram
Ryne Williams
45,000+ subscribers
Teaching dividend investing on YouTube & Instagram
Ryne Williams
45,000+ subscribers
The Humbled Trader on YouTube, Day Trader
Shay Huang
1,100,000+ subscribers
Canadian in a T-Shirt on YouTube, Tax Wizard
Adrian Bar
150,000+ subscribers
The Money Guy on TikTok, Instagram & YouTube
Profit Plug
1,400,000+ followers
Wealthxlab on TikTok teaching Personal Finance
17,000+ followers
Vanessa Quinn
Retired Veteran & Host of Let's Talk Money Channel
Joseph Hogue
700,000+ subscribers
Ericnomics on IG, stocks, real estate, crypto
Eric Pan
150,000+ followers
Financial Nirvana Mama on YouTube, Real-Estate Pro
Tracy Ma
16,000+ subscribers
Founder of Stocktrades blog researching TSX stocks
Dan Kent
70,000+ monthly blog visits
Your Personal Finance Girl, Meghan Makes Money
Meghan Lim
150,000+ followers
TikToker & Nurse helping beginners start investing
140,000+ followers
Cass Mello
Finance TikToker with focus on tech/growth investing
140,000+ followers
Bilaal Dhalech
Passive Income Investing on YouTube, Yield Maximizer
60,000+ subscribers
Adriano S.
Finance YouTuber teaching stocks, crypto, and finance
280,000+ followers
Zac Hartley
see what your favourite investors are investing in
some of our amazing creators include…
2,100,000+ subscribers
The "God Father", Everything personal finance
Seth Godwin
87,000+ subscribers
The OG Thug Life dividend investor
210,000+ subscribers
YouTuber & Founder of the Investing Academy
Brandon Beavis
190,000+ followers
Investing TikToker and Dividend Lover
Joyee Yang
1,000,000+ followers
New Money Nate on TikTok & Instagram
Nathan Kennedy
450,000+ subscribers
Teaching Dividend Investing on YouTube & Instagram
Ryne Williams
210,000+ subscribers
YouTuber & Founder of Stock Unlock
Daniel Pronk
1,000,000+ subscribers
The Humbled Trader on YouTube, Day Trader
Shay Huang
1,400,000+ followers
The Money Guy on TikTok, Instagram & YouTube
Profit Plug
700,000+ subscribers
Retired Veteran & Host of Let's Talk Money Channel
Joseph Hogue
150,000+ subscribers
Canadian in a T-Shirt on YouTube, Tax Wizard
Adrian Bar
17,000+ followers
Wealthxlab on TikTok teaching Personal Finance
Vanessa Quinn
150,000+ subscribers
Ericnonics on IG, stocks, real estate, crypto
Eric Pan
70,000+ monthly blog visits
Founder of Stocktrades blog researching TSX stocks
Dan Kent
280,000+ followers
Finance YouTuber teaching stocks, crypto, and finance
Zac Hartley
140,000+ followers
Finance TikToker with focus on tech/growth investing
Bilaal Dhalech
150,000+ subscribers
Your Personal Finance Girl, Meghan Makes Money
Meghan Lim
140,000+ followers
TikToker & Nurse helping beginners start investing
Cass Mello
60,000+ subscribers
Passive Income Investing on YouTube, Yield Maximizer
Adriano S.
Be part of a community
Discuss stocks, ETFs, taxes, personal finance, market news, and more in a community of 250,000 other investors.
Learn to invest
Go from a complete beginner to an advanced investor with fun, Duolingo-style courses led by your favourite content creators
Manage and analyze your portfolio
Powerful tools to track and analyze your holdings and dividends, seamlessly connected to your brokerage account.
Be part of a community
Discuss stocks, ETFs, taxes, personal finance, market news, and more in a community of 250,000 other investors.
Learn to invest
Go from a complete beginner to an advanced investor with fun, Duolingo-style courses led by your favourite content creators
Manage and analyze your portfolio
Powerful tools to track and analyze your holdings and dividends, seamlessly connected to your brokerage account.
Be part of a community
Discuss stocks, ETFs, taxes, personal finance, market news, and more in a community of 250,000 other investors.
Learn to invest
Go from a complete beginner to an advanced investor with fun, Duolingo-style courses led by your favourite content creators
Manage and analyze your portfolio
Powerful tools to track and analyze your holdings and dividends, seamlessly connected to your brokerage account.
What our 250,000+ members are saying
Best Investing app for Canadians!
Such a breath of fresh air finding a community of Canadian focused investors! And it’s getting better and better every two weeks with updates! Keep it up!
by Aad117 – Sep 13, 2023
Great Learning Place
As a new investor, Blossom has been a great resource for my learning.
by BBhmj – Sep 21, 2023
Great app
As a newer investor, I’ve learned so much from the other investors on this app. The engagement has only been positive and supportive. The basic app is great, but Blossom Pro is obviously even better and at a fair value, especially for those looking for data for long term investing. I highly recommend giving it a try!
by Jennifer.Harrington – Aug 31, 2023
One of the coolest apps out there
Blossom is one of the coolest social media apps since it brings people together around investing and teaches a lot. It’s a 10/10 for me!
by Salehe1205 – Jul 10, 2023
Great community!
The Instagram for investors. I’m learning so much for other Blossom community members, it’s such a great resource as a new DIY investor.
by Bmari1011 – May 17, 2023
Perfect For Any Investor
From long term, short term, young and older I have seen them all on this app! It’s much for community focused which is what I think is unique from other investing apps!
by Emibemmi – May 3, 2023
What our 250,000+ members are saying
by Aad117 – Sep 13, 2023
Best Investing app for Canadians!
Such a breath of fresh air finding a community of Canadian focused investors! And it’s getting better and better every two weeks with updates! Keep it up!
by BBhmj – Sep 21, 2023
Great Learning Place
As a new investor, Blossom has been a great resource for my learning.
by Jennifer.Harrington – Aug 31, 2023
Great app
As a newer investor, I’ve learned so much from the other investors on this app. The engagement has only been positive and supportive. The basic app is great, but Blossom Pro is obviously even better and at a fair value, especially for those looking for data for long term investing. I highly recommend giving it a try!
by Salehe1205 – Jul 10, 2023
One of the coolest apps out there
Blossom is one of the coolest social media apps since it brings people together around investing and teaches a lot. It’s a 10/10 for me!
by Bmari1011 – May 17, 2023
Great community!
The Instagram for investors. I’m learning so much for other Blossom community members, it’s such a great resource as a new DIY investor.
by Emibemmi – May 3, 2023
Perfect For Any Investor
From long term, short term, young and older I have seen them all on this app! It’s much for community focused which is what I think is unique from other investing apps!
by Coxwelldan – Mar 15, 2023
Blossom is the best
A terrific app for Canadians to learn and share ideas about investing. And the app can optionally track your investments progress. It just keeps getting better.
What our 250,000+ members are saying
Best Investing app for Canadians!
Such a breath of fresh air finding a community of Canadian focused investors! And it’s getting better and better every two weeks with updates! Keep it up!
by Aad117 – Sep 13, 2023
Great Learning Place
As a new investor, Blossom has been a great resource for my learning.
by BBhmj – Sep 21, 2023
Great app
As a newer investor, I’ve learned so much from the other investors on this app. The engagement has only been positive and supportive. The basic app is great, but Blossom Pro is obviously even better and at a fair value, especially for those looking for data for long term investing. I highly recommend giving it a try!
by Jennifer.Harrington – Aug 31, 2023
One of the coolest apps out there
Blossom is one of the coolest social media apps since it brings people together around investing and teaches a lot. It’s a 10/10 for me!
by Salehe1205 – Jul 10, 2023
Great community!
The Instagram for investors. I’m learning so much for other Blossom community members, it’s such a great resource as a new DIY investor.
by Bmari1011 – May 17, 2023
Perfect For Any Investor
From long term, short term, young and older I have seen them all on this app! It’s much for community focused which is what I think is unique from other investing apps!
by Emibemmi – May 3, 2023